Our 2021 Season concerts are again available to watch online.

Your ticket receipt contains important information and links that will allow you to watch the concerts.

We'll walk you through the steps here.

Test Your System

In a few days, we will have a test event set up so that you can check your system in advance of our broadcast date.

You can sign in, watch a test video, and be sure you're set up for the premiere!

Check back soon for the link.

Access Code

Your ticket receipt has a 9-digit access code listed with each ticket.  You will be asked to input this code when you sign in to watch the concerts.

Access code and where to enter it on the ticket site.

How to Watch

After entering your access code, depending on how early you sign in, you may see a concert image or you may see the pre-show slides.

If it's 7:20pm and you are still seeing the single image, please refresh your screen so that you can see the pre-show slides.

If you have tickets to multiple online events, you will see them listed on the right side of the screen under the "Media" tab.  Click on the concert you wish to watch!


Watching Replays

Replays for our digital broadcasts will be available as of noon the next day.

You will be able to watch the concerts as often as you like, prior to 11:59 pm on January 7, 2022.  

You will need the access code from your ticket to view the concerts.

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